Friday, September 21, 2007

Thoughts on travelling

This trip has been somewhat of an eye-opener to me. I knew, I've always known, that the USA is a large country but all these miles have really made me think about the enormous scale of this place, and the emptiness of it.

Like yesterday, we were driving from Jackson Hole to (evenutally) the Grand Canyon, but that was too much for one day. So we basically drove for 9 hours just to get to nowhere. And in that nine hours, if you take out the part that is Salt Lake City we probably only drove past a few thousand homes with maybe 20 thousand people living there. That's like my entire hometown being spread along 500 miles. Wyoming for instance, probably took us 6 hours to drive East to West across the state, the entire state has a population of less than half a million.

It's been a tremendous amount of fun so far. I would recommend this to anyone, anyone who doesn't mind sitting on their butt for a few hours everyday.

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